掌握以下 #絕對心動3大秘技 讓你告白無往不利
STEP1用 #展示設計 的技能,布置粉紅泡泡浪漫空間
STEP2用 #美容 的技能,打扮帥帥美美,顏值與告白成功率一起飆升
STEP3用 #西餐烹飪 的技能,準備燭光晚餐,用美食成就美滿戀情
#高質感無線充電盤(1名) 。
#大容量外接式硬碟 (2名)。
#輕巧好攜帶隨身碟 (9名)。
步驟1:#技能競賽充電讚 粉絲專頁按讚。
步驟2:#按讚 + #公開分享 此篇貼文。
步驟3:在此活動貼文下方留言,完成指定Hashtag #情人節 及 #職類名稱,並分享心動密技!
Hashtag範例1: #情人節 #花藝職類 送花束表心意
Hashtag範例2:#情人節 #珠寶金銀細工職類 客製專屬首飾浪漫又特別
【Impress Your Date: 3 Essential Skills for Valentine's Day!】
☺Can skills increase your chances of success when it comes to getting the girl or guy of your dreams?
Master the following #3EssentialSkillsforVDay to create a magical Valentine's Day that they would never forget!
STEP 1 With #VisualMerchandising skills, you can create a romantic setting for your date. Bring on the streamers and roses!
STEP 2 With #BeautyTherapy skills, you can put your best face forward. Looking good never hurts!
STEP 3 With #Cooking skills, you can whip up a candlelight dinner. Delight your date with culinary delights!